Shippax 2023Meet us at the Shippax Ferry Conference 24-26th of April
Telenor Maritime is a proud main sponsor of this renowned event and we welcome you to meet our team on board Grimaldi Lines' Cruise Barcelona!
Join our team for an informal discussion on industry trends or a personal presentation of our solutions and their newest functionalities.
We will walk you through how our solutions can help you connect your passengers, fleet and crew, including a demo of our Wi-Fi Service Portal version 3.0. The portal, a digital information platform will give passengers and crew easy access to information and updates to provide an even more positive experience while on board.
Ask us too how we can increase the value of your data through our Unified Hosting Service™, an on-board ecosystem for reusing and sharing data. Ask us and we will gladly show you a demo of how our platform can contribute to your digitalisation strategy.
As always, we are thoroughly looking forward to catching up with customers and partners alike and to making many new acquaintances at this year's conference. See you on board!
Alternatively, secure a meeting slot on the contact form below: