Cyber Security at Sea and Offshore with WaveAccess
How our Maritime Mesh Radio Network Brings Military-grade Communications and Data Security within Affordable Reach of Vessel Operators
Issues around cyber security are rarely far from the headlines these days. Data leaks, ransomware attacks and instances of hacking have become commonplace in our ever-more connected world and for an industry still transitioning towards connection, it’s an important question: How can we protect sensitive data transmitted from one side of the world to the other?
Quite apart from the prospect of bad actors getting their hands on proprietary, private, or otherwise sensitive information, an often-ignored aspect of overall security is network reliability and availability. Telenor Maritime’s Maritime Mesh Network addresses all these issues at the same time.
Ensuring and Offshoring Digital Data Safety
Maritime digital connectivity has traditionally relied heavily upon expensive satellite communications, but the Maritime Mesh Network is a surface technology which uses a Cognitive Networked High Frequency (CNHF) radio system to create a complete, infrastructure independent network. All data is collected, encrypted, transmitted, and received inside a proprietary system. Cognitive spectrum usage and extremely fast automatic link establishment makes it highly resistant to jamming and a difficult target for signals intelligence, giving additional operational security.
If this suggests that the system has a military pedigree, then you would be right. KNL Networks, the original developers of the Maritime Mesh Network who were recently acquired by Telenor Maritime, built the independent network for secure communication in situations where failure is not acceptable, such as naval and military operations and response to natural emergencies. Telenor Maritime’s AES 256-bit encryption is used end-to-end on all data communications.
Furthermore, Telenor Maritime’s Maritime Mesh Network connects your vessels to shore, no matter where they are in the world. With a 10,000km range and pole-to-pole coverage, the whole world becomes a safe haven for your fleet.
Surprisingly, this high-grade security does not come at a premium price point or with unwanted features. Our solution gives you the total cost of ownership with one monthly subscription fee. This means you only pay for the services you need and use.
For more information on how you can build in cyber-security into your vessel digitisation book a demo of our Maritime Mesh Network, email maa@telenormaritime.com