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woman using phone on board ship

Let's connect your passengers.Let's connect your operational data.

With 20 years' of providing mobile communications to the biggest European ferry brands, we are the experts of delivering the best mobile experience at sea. We connect 30 million people through more than 500 installations worldwide.

Passengers and crew

Our mobile services have defined maritime communication standards for two decades. We provide global connectivity to cruise and ferry companies around the world. With over 400 roaming agreements, we make sure your passengers stay connected during their journey with you. We provide shipowners with a unique communication channel through which they can reach their passengers directly on their devices, improving their passengers' digital customer journey and wi-fi experience.

Digitalisation solutions

Our digitalisation solutions enable shipowners to implement their digitalisation strategy without vendor lock-in, whether it be easy access to your operational data from shore, or how to process and make use of data directly on-board.

Our ferry customers love the flexibility of our business models, and the benefits of a strategic partnership which can support their goals in digitalisation and sustainability.

Contact our sales team to learn more about how we can help keep your business connected!

Roger Vimme Acting CCO +47 907 83 495 View full profile
Kate Smeland Knudsen Sales Director Ferry +47 982 07 629 View full profile
Morten Aarvik Sales Director Offshore +47 976 79 854 View full profile
Henrik Lindqvist Sales Director +46 73-533 21 64 View full profile