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European Ferry Shipping Summit 2024Join us in Athens 7-8 November

Telenor Maritime is thrilled to be a sponsor of this leading ferry conference and welcomes you to join us there!

We are eagerly anticipating the valuable networking opportunities and industry updates at this year's conference. The conference program, focused on optimising efficiency and effectiveness in today's time-pressured world, aligns exactly with our maritime solutions.

Speak to our Head of Sales, Roger Vimme, about connectivity for passengers & crew, and how our digitalisation platform can optimise your fleet operations. The Summit is such a great opportunity to discuss collaboration and partnerships and get the support needed for your digital transformation journey.

Looking forward to engaging with fellow industry leaders and excited to share insights on driving innovation in maritime operations, see you there!


Alternatively, view full profile below to book a meeting:

Roger Vimme Acting CCO +47 907 83 495 View full profile