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Telenor Maritime secures lead in maritime connectivity in northern Europe.Telenor Maritime will deliver a complete connectivity package on board Polferries.

Hamburg, Germany: Telenor Maritime has signed a 5-year partnership contract with Polferries during this year’s SMM event. The contract secures Telenor Maritime a solid position in the European ferry market.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Telenor Maritime will deliver passenger services (wi-fi and mobile), as well as connectivity between ship and shore, to all five of Polferries’ vessels in operation.

“The ferries are an important link between Sweden and Poland, and carry large amounts of cargo and passengers between the two countries. Their ambition is to optimise and improve passenger experience by allowing passengers to use their phones, tablets and laptops on board – both for business and leisure purposes.” says Roger Vimme, Sales Director Ferry, at Telenor Maritime.

Although Telenor Maritime does not set passenger retail prices for maritime roaming, Lars Erik Lunøe, CEO of Telenor Maritime, believes that the prices will decrease as the usage goes up. “We see a substantial increase in data traffic. Compared to pre-pandemic 2019, the data usage has increased by 50%. People are used to having uninterrupted access to the internet, no matter where they are. The need for larger volumes of data at a lower price will increase by roughly 20% each year going forward.” says Lars Erik Lunøe, CEO at Telenor Maritime.

The 4G mobile service on board Polferries will be upgraded to 5G at a later date. However, even though internet speed at sea is still largely dependent on satellites, Telenor Maritime is researching and testing ways to implement new technology to meet the demand of future passengers. LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites and 5G are promising technologies that will be able to mitigate challenges with latency and capacity that “ordinary” geo-stationary satellites have today.

Telenor Maritime will also offer affordable wi-fi packages on board all Polferries’ ships. With wi-fi, passengers can surf the internet at a predictable, prepaid price. Packages are purchased using an on-board portal on the passengers’ personal devices. This portal has already become a central service for digitalising the on-board passenger experience with several European ferry companies.

Roger Vimme Acting CCO +47 907 83 495 View full profile
Morten Aarvik Sales Director Offshore +47 976 79 854 View full profile
Alina Røisland Head of Marketing & PR +47 473 36 333 View full profile
Lars Erik Lunøe CEO +47 909 73 006 View full profile