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Meet us at Nor-Shipping 2025Blue Talks sponsor and exhibitor in Lillestrøm, 2-6 June!

We welcome you to join us on the Team Norway pavilion where we are eager to discuss innovation, collaboration and sustainability for maritime.

As always, we are thrilled to participate at Nor-Shipping, both as an exhibitor and sponsor of Blue Talks, where engagement is high on the topic of sustainable ocean economies.

Join our Sales Director, Johnny Nybakk, and his team on our stand for a friendly chat, a discussion on the latest industry news or a demonstration of how we can increase the value of your data through our Unified Hosting Serviceā„¢, an on-board ecosystem for reusing and sharing data. Learn how our innovative solutions enhance connectivity for passengers and crew, ensuring seamless communication and an exceptional experience at sea.

Kindly view full profiles below for further contact details or to schedule a meeting:

Johnny Nybakk Sales Director +47 951 41 347 View full profile
Roger Vimme Acting CCO +47 907 83 495 View full profile
Morten Aarvik Sales Director Offshore +47 976 79 854 View full profile
Gerrit Jan Konijnenberg Director Strategic Development +352 621 595 957 View full profile
Karl R. Nilssen Sales Manager +47 913 46 969 View full profile