The Institute of Marine Research in Norwayrenews contract with Telenor Maritime
Telenor Maritime, the leading communication service provider at sea, is proud to announce the successful renewal of its contract with the Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet).
The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) have reaffirmed their commitment to their 5 years old partnership by renewing their contract for another year. The IMR has highlighted their satisfaction with Telenor Maritime’s connectivity services, flexible solutions and high level of service as the main reasons for the renewal.
The Institute of Marine Research is one of the biggest marine research institutes in Europe, with approximately 1,100 employees. Their primary activities include research, advisory work and monitoring. Telenor Maritime will be providing satellite connectivity on board four of the Institute’s vessels: Kristine Bonnevie, Johan Hjort, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen and G.O. Sars.
Telenor Maritime is proud to be a part of the Institutes of Marine Research mission to gather knowledge and provide advice for rich and clean ocean and coastal areas.