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cruise digitalisation

Telenor Maritime Signs Partner Agreement with Veracity by DNV

Telenor Maritime is excited to announce a strategic partner agreement with Veracity by DNV, establishing Telenor Maritime as a trusted data partner with automated ingestion into the Veracity ecosystem. This collaboration enables our customers to improve and speed up automatic reporting services on MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) and EU ETS (climate gas emissions), offered in cooperation with Maranics.

Reading time: 7 minutes
DNV and Telenor Maritime celebrates the partnership at SMM 2024
DNV and Telenor Maritime celebrates the partnership at SMM 2024. From the left: Erik Spieler, Technical Trainee at DNV, Barry Authers, Head of Partnerships at Veracity by DNV, Morten Martens Breivik, Chief Strategy Officer at Telenor Maritime.

Fully Automatic Reporting Solutions

The partnership aims to deliver a joint service to the market, addressing the need for efficient and tamper-proof reporting solutions. Currently, many companies rely on cumbersome and error-prone paper or Excel sheet-based reporting methods.

With a common interest in automating emissions reporting and bringing trust to data, Telenor Maritime and Veracity by DNV set the foundation for a successful partnership.

Mikkel Skou, Director of Veracity by DNV said; “Partnering with Telenor Maritime is a step in our ambition to make it easier for the shipping industry to obtain trusted data that can be used with confidence automating business processes. Together with Telenor Maritime, we share a common view on the importance of automation to reduce cost and risk of manual errors, with the result of better performance and reliability.”

With a growing need for verified real-time emissions data in the maritime industry, DNV has built its service Emissions Connect on the Veracity maritime industry cloud. With the partnership, common customers of Telenor Maritime and DNV can now enjoy a seamless process from noon report creation until they receive a verification voyage statement from DNV’s Emissions Connect service.

Mikkel Skou, DNV
Mikkel Skou, Director of Veracity by DNV

Enhanced Data Quality

This comes in addition to the already established automation in the input to the noon report, that Maranics and Telenor Maritime are delivering to their customers. By pre-populating the report with sensor/flowmeter data, the risk of manual errors that goes into the report is reduced and efficiency is gained.

Mikkel Skou stated, “Today, the industry faces challenges with poor quality in noon reports. The efforts by Telenor Maritime and Maranics to enhance data quality at the source are crucial.”

Telenor Maritime and Maranics are well positioned to provide a modular service, beginning with manual processes and gradually transitioning to a fully automatic reporting solution, with standardized, high-quality data. When data arrives with high quality at Veracity’s data quality engine, our customers can obtain their verification statements from Emissions Connect faster.

Telenor Maritime, well known for maritime connectivity solutions, has expanded into digitalization in the maritime industry with the Unified Hosting Service™ (UHS®). The UHS is a vendor-neutral, open platform and the core of the ship’s digital ecosystem. It collects, contextualizes, and stores operational data from various onboard sources. Applications hosted on the UHS process and reuse this high-quality data to provide insight and enable automated sustainability reporting and several other services on board.

Maranics is the trusted partner for digital checklists on board. These checklists are hosted on the UHS and generates the data needed for emission reports. By digitalizing human process, the data quality is increased.

New Regulations

With new regulations effective from January 1, 2024, requiring ships above 5,000 gross tonnes to purchase CO2 quotas covering 40% of their GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, the timing of this partnership is crucial. Precise calculation of emissions will be critical for shipowners.

By 2025, the requirements will increase to 70% of emissions, and by 2026, ship owners must buy quotas covering 100% of emissions. In the offshore sector, reporting starts in 2025, and they will fall under the scope of EU ETS from 2027.

This is stated by the EU, in their policies for energy, climate change and environment: 
Reducing emissions in the shipping sector.

Enabling significant improvement in operations for Color Line

Color Line, Norway’s largest cruise and passenger transport shipping company, is already using the digital checklists and automated ingestion to DNV Veracity through the UHS® platform.

"We’ve observed significant improvements in operations with the implementation of digital checklists and automated reporting. We are very pleased with the results," states Henrik Baråt Svensen, Superintendent Maritime Digitalisation in Color Line.

They are now well equipped to face the new regulations. The setup gives them the ability to optimize performance of systems in real time and it makes the compliance reporting more efficient and cost effective, overall advancing their sustainability strategy.

“There is no other way around this than digitalizing when ETS fully hits the industry – It is going to be incredibly demanding and too costly and difficult to handle without a solution like this,” says Are Paulsrud, Chief Technology Officer in Color Line. 


About Veracity

Veracity is DNV’s independent cloud, set out to deliver trust and connectivity to industry digitalization and decarbonization. It brings together all the key players in the maritime and energy industries, to drive business innovation and digital transformation over a common data truth. On the Veracity Marketplace, users can further browse, purchase and access relevant industry data, applications, and digital services. Today, more than 50 000 vessels are easily connected to the platform through the partner program and 300 000 users engage over Veracity, enjoying frictionless connectivity through the exchange of datasets, APIs, applications, and insights.


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We look forward to the opportunities this partnership presents for both Telenor Maritime, Maranics and Veracity by DNV.

Contact information


Alina Røisland Head of Marketing & PR +47 473 36 333 View full profile