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Analysis and marketing
We use Google Analytics for our web analytics to improve our service and products. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.

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digital connections abstract telenor maritime

Marketing material on board passenger shipsOrder your material here

Through customized digital and physical marketing material we help you tailor the messaging to inform your passenger about the wi-fi service on board. Please use this form to order the marketing materials that is suitable for your passenger ship.

We strongly encourage that public material is regular checked and replaced if damaged or outdated.


Digital Screens

The digital screens are delivered digital in pdf, png or jpg with format 1080 x 1920 or 1920 x 1080.

Default branding is Telenor Maritime.

Poster A3/A4

Posters are eye-catching and is especially perfect for the reception area.

Rounded to the nearest 50. Minimum order is 100
Rounded to the nearest 50. Minimum order is 100
Default branding is Telenor Maritime.

Table tents

Default branding is Telenor Maritime.

Rounded to the nearest 100. Minimum order is 500
Flyer wi-fi and mobile services

Flyers are versatile and can be used as handouts, in sleeping cabins, receptions and in other common areas onboard the ship as well as the terminal. This flyer has information for Mobile Services or Wi-Fi and Mobile Services.

Choose the flyer content that suits your ships

Default branding is Telenor Maritime.

Rounded to the nearest 100. Minimum order is 500
Your local print house
Order information

After submitting this form we will contact you with a first draft of the material to be commented on or approved.