Satellite connectivityMerchant fleet and other vessels
Telenor Maritime focus on satellite, data and GSM services for mobile communications. New mobile services are developed for the merchant ships that enable the crew to use their mobile phones just as on land even though they are far away from land. Modern shipping requires effective ‘always on’ communication between ship and land. Demand for cost-effective, high capacity communication channels is surging. Internet access and email on board are both essential to operations and vital to attracting and retain motivated, professional crews.
Thor 7 Coverage: Regional VSAT in Northern Europe
The THOR 7 satellite provides regional coverage with a favourable look angle over the Pan European maritime routes and utilises focused high-powered spot beams, enabling unprecedented performance for mobility applications as well as automatic and seamless spot-beam handover, assuring continuous connectivity across the entire satellite footprint
Thor 6 Coverage: Regional VSAT in Northern Europe
For ships requiring VSAT in our areas, we can offer regional coverage on the Thor 6 satellite. Thor 6 has an excellent footprint for ships operating in Northern Europe, the North Sea basin, and the Norwegian Sea, ensuring the best marine data and voice communication solution available today.