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Toni Linden Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Toni Linden Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Products & Technology Emerging Markets
Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Toni, co-founder & CEO of KNL Networks, joined Telenor Maritime in 2019 when KLN was acquired by our company. A former electronic warfare officer specialised in technology and communications; Toni brings 20 years of hands-on radio experience to his role as Chief Product Officer at Telenor Maritime. As a research scientist and doctoral student at the University of Oulu, Toni contributed to the Arctic Council Task Force on Communication by supporting the Finnish government in defining current Arctic political strategy. Highly competent and knowledgeable about communications and IoT solutions for critical infrastructures, defence & security, merchant and much more, Toni welcomes all opportunities to discuss how Telenor Maritime can collaborate with partners and customers to deliver superior solutions at sea. 

Contact Toni by phone or use the contact form: